22. Loans and advances to customers

Loans and advances to customers, gross, of which: 187,519,861 156,274,042
financial sector 1,630,191 2,986,731
corporate, of which: 1,319,339 948,308
deposits of the Brokerage House of PKO Bank Polski SA in the Stock Exchange Guarantee Fund and initial deposit 11,440 19,339
receivables due from repurchase agreements 310,852 2,038,423
non-financial sector 175,789,529 146,067,840
housing 98,105,676 76,631,478
corporate 53,930,247 47,970,294
consumer 21,644,625 20,627,222
debt securities (corporate) 2,108,981 838,846
public sector 10,100,141 7,219,471
corporate 7,277,642 6,135,647
debt securities (municipal) 2,822,499 978,159
receivables due from repurchase agreements* - 105,665
Impairment allowances on loans and advances (8,022,477) (6,650,780)
Loans and advances to customers, net 179,497,384 149,623,262

*As at 31 December 2013, as a part of issuance stabilisation actions for the selling shareholder the Brokerage House of PKO Bank Polski SA had the company’s shares valued using the purchase price, presented in position ‘Receivables due from repurchase agreements’ in the amount of PLN 105 665 thousand and cash in the amount of PLN 14 629 thousand, blocked on the stabilisation manager’s account and a liability in the same amount to the selling shareholder. Settlement of this transaction will take place according to the stabilisation agreement, under mutual offsetting assets and liabilities in the same amount after 30 days from the beginning of the stabilisation, or when the number of shares acquired from the market as a part of stabilising actions will equal the number of shares received from the selling shareholder. As at 31 December 2014 the Bank did not have shares, as a part of issuance stabilisation actions for the selling shareholder.

By client segment31.12.201431.12.2013
Loans and advances granted, gross, of which: 187,519,861 156,274,042
mortgage banking 90,768,711 68,943,625
corporate 50,661,094 40,393,713
retail and private banking 21,644,625 20,627,222
small and medium enterprises* 24,123,139 24,146,055
receivables due from repurchase agreements 310,852 2,144,088
other receivables 11,440 19,339
Impairment allowances on loans and advances (8,022,477) (6,650,780)
Loans and advances granted, net 179,497,384 149,623,262

* Since 2014 the change in presentation involving the inclusion of housing market clients within the small and medium enterprises segment (data for 2013 has been brought to comparability).

The structure of loans and advances presented in the note includes the following segmentation:

  • corporate loans of financial institutions (i.e. e.g. leasing companies, insurance companies, investment companies) include corporate banking,
  • housing loans include loans of mortgage banking and housing market clients, corporate client segment and small and medium enterprises as regards to products intended for housing purposes,
  • corporate loans of non-financial entities, depending on the size of the entity, include loans for small and medium enterprises, housing market loans and corporate loans granted to corporate entities for non-housing purposes,
  • consumer loans include retail and private banking,
  • corporate loans of State budget entities include corporate banking loans,
  • reclassified debt securities are included in the corporate client segment.

Debt securities in the loans and advances to customers portfolio

Debt securities reclassified to the loans and advances to customers portfolio, gross 1,494,983 1,756,938
Debt securities directly classified to the loans and advances to customers portfolio, gross 3,436,497 60,067
Impairment allowances (94,704) (28,065)
Total debt securities, net 4,836,776 1,788,940

Securities reclassification

In 2014 and 2013 there was no reclassification of securities to the loan and advances to customers’ portfolio. In 2012, due to change of intention as regards holding of the selected portfolio of non-Treasury securities classified upon initial recognition as available for sale the Group reclassified them to loans and advances to customers.
As a result of the reclassification of the portfolio, the portfolio valuation methods have changed, i.e. from measured at fair value to measured at amortised cost.

Debt securities reclassified from financial assets available for sale to loans and advances to customers as at the date of reclassification:

Portfolio reclassified in the 3rd quarter of 2012nominal valuefair valuecarrying amount
Municipal bonds778,233807,275807,275
Corporate bonds 632,160 632,013 632,013
Total 1,410,393 1,439,288 1,439,288

Portfolio reclassified in the 4th quarter of 2012nominal valuefair valuecarrying amount
Municipal bonds 440,950 430,124 430,124
Corporate bonds 656,630 661,546 661,546
Total 1,097,580 1,091,670 1,091,670

Debt securities (municipal bonds and corporate bonds) reclassified from financial assets available for sale to loans and advances to customers as at:

As at 31.12.2014nominal valuefair valuecarrying amount
Municipal bonds850,183847,435853,129
Corporate bonds 631,640 640,689 568,483
Total 1,481,823 1,488,124 1,421,612

As at 31.12.2013nominal valuefair valuecarrying amount
Municipal bonds 961,611 963,118 965,180
Corporate bonds 787,040 791,503 768,385
Total 1,748,651 1,754,621 1,733,565

Change in fair value which would have been recognised in the income statement and/or in other comprehensive income if there was no reclassification, would amount to PLN (5 720) thousand for the period from the date of reclassification until 31 December 2014
(31 December 2013 PLN (5 948) thousand). As at 31 December 2014, the average effective interest rate for the debt securities portfolio was 3.632% (4.139% as at 31 December 2013).

Loans and advances to customers by method of calculating impairment allowances 31.12.201431.12.2013
Assessed on an individual basis 7,377,955 7,336,985
  Impaired, of which: 5,615,878 5,532,429
    finance lease receivables 344,975 134,027
  Not impaired, of which: 1,762,077 1,804,556
    finance lease receivables 300,021 193,560
Assessed on a portfolio basis 7,361,432 7,328,923
  Impaired, of which: 7,361,432 7,328,923
    finance lease receivables 106,401 115,883
Assessed on a group basis (IBNR), of which: 172,780,474 141,608,134
    finance lease receivables 4,477,927 3,793,700
Loans and advances to customers, gross 187,519,861 156,274,042
Impairment allowances on exposures assessed on an individual basis (2,963,733) (2,292,218)
  Impaired, of which: (2,948,025) (2,276,093)
    impairment allowances on lease receivables (95,057) (46,430)
Impairment allowances on exposures assessed on a portfolio basis, of which: (4,426,869) (3,772,723)
    impairment allowances on lease receivables (75,273) (75,355)
Impairment allowances on exposures assessed on a group basis (IBNR), of which: (631,875) (585,839)
    impairment allowances on lease receivables (14,478) (10,898)
Impairment allowances - total (8,022,477) (6,650,780)
Loans and advances to customers, net 179,497,384 149,623,262

A detailed description of changes in allowances has been presented in the note 11 ‘Net impairment allowance, write-downs and provisions’.

As at 31 December 2014, the share of impaired loans amounted to 6.9% (as at 31 December 2013: 8.2%), whereas the coverage ratio for impaired loans as at 31 December 2014 (calculated as total impairment allowances on loans and advances to customers divided by gross carrying amount of impaired loans) amounted to 61.8% (as at 31 December 2013: 51.7%).

As at 31 December 2014, the share of loans overdue by more than 90 days in the gross amount of loans and advances was 5.2%
(as at 31 December 2013: 5.9%).

As at 31 December 2014 and as at 31 December 2013 the Group did not have transferred financial assets, which are derecognised from the financial statements, for which the Group would continue involvement in those assets.

Finance lease agreements
Finance lease – lessor
The Group conducts lease activities through the entities from the PKO Leasing SA Group.
The value of gross investments in leases and the minimal lease payments resulting from finance lease agreements amounted to:

as at 31 December 2014

Gross lease investment value and minimal lease paymentsGross lease investmentPresent value of the minimal lease paymentsUnrealised income
Gross lease receivables:      
up to 1 year 2,117,836 1,899,603 218,233
from 1 year to 5 years 3,153,066 2,862,421 290,645
over 5 years 527,165 467,300 59,865
Gross total 5,798,067 5,229,324 568,743
Impairment allowances (184,808) (184,808) -
Net total  5,613,259 5,044,516 568,743

as at 31 December 2013

Gross lease investment value and minimal lease paymentsGross lease investmentPresent value of the minimal lease paymentsUnrealised income
Gross lease receivables:      
  up to 1 year 1,702,323 1,505,045 197,278
  from 1 year to 5 years 2,526,276 2,241,693 284,583
  over 5 years 572,804 490,432 82,372
Gross total 4,801,403 4,237,170 564,233
Impairment allowances (132,683) (132,683) -
 Net total  4,668,720 4,104,487 564,233

As at 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013, there are no unguaranteed residual values attributable to the lessor.