71. Information on loan bundle sale

The Bank did not enter any securitisation transactions, although in 2014 it performed a bundle sales (statement of financial position and
off-balance sheet loans):

  • In the first quarter, over 10 thousand retail loans classified as ‘loss’ in relation to individuals who do not conduct business activities (including credit cards loans), with a total debt of PLN 191.6 million, EUR 495 thousand and CHF 10.7 million and nearly 890 corporate loans classified as ‘loss’ with a total debt of PLN 107.9 million, EUR 34 thousand and CHF 360 thousand;
  • In the second quarter, 182 mortgage-secured retail loans classified as ‘loss’ in relation to individuals who do not conduct business activities with a total debt of PLN 26.7 million, EUR 154 thousand and CHF 4.5 million, nearly 830 corporate loans classified as ‘loss’ with a total debt of PLN 80.2 million, EUR 61 thousand, CHF 68.5 thousand and USD 0.6 thousand and 83 loans from institutional clients classified as 'loss’, with
    a total debt of PLN 216 million, EUR 2.8 million and CHF 637 thousand;
  • In the third quarter, over 7.2 thousand retail loans classified as ‘loss’ in relation to individuals who do not conduct business activities with
    a total debt of PLN 159 million, EUR 37 thousand, CHF 4.8 million and USD 297 thousand;
  • In the fourth quarter, 10.5 thousand retail loans classified as ‘loss’ in relation to individuals who do not conduct business activities (including credit cards loans) with a total debt of PLN 146.8 million, EUR 123 thousand, CHF 3.8 million and USD 407 thousand and over 1.1 thousand corporate loans classified as ‘loss’ with a total debt of PLN 224 million, EUR 0.1 thousand, CHF 3.1 million and USD 0.2 thousand and 54 loans from institutional clients classified as 'loss’, with a total debt of PLN 115.5 million and USD 2.2 million.

The total carrying amount of the provision for potential claims on impaired loan portfolios sold as at 31 December 2014 amounted to PLN 1 785 thousand (as at 31 December 2013 it was PLN 2 087 thousand). As a result of loan sale all risks and rewards were transferred, hence the Group derecognised these assets.

The Bank did not receive any securities on account of the above-mentioned transactions.