- Fair value
an amount for which a specific asset might be exchanged, and a liability discharged, within a market transaction between interested and informed unrelated parties
- Foreign Exchange (FX risk)
the risk of loss due to unfavourable changes of foreign exchange rates or their volatility
- FRA (Forward Rate Agreement)
a forward agreement for the interest rate
- Framework agreement
an agreement between parties regulating the principles of the Bank’s co-operation with counterparties on the financial market with respect to forward financial transactions
- Funded credit risk protection
a credit risk mitigation technique, where the bank’s credit risk related to exposure is reduced by that bank’s right - in the case of the counterparty’s default in the discharge of its liabilities, insolvency, bankruptcy or another credit event affecting that counterparty and specified in the documentation of the transaction, and, if required for the depositary keeping the collateral – to liquidate, transfer, acquire, or retain specific assets or amounts
- FX Swap
a foreign currency exchange swap